I used to use Nevada Skies URWL but I got rid of that awhile ago and reinstalling flushed out what was left of it, so that can't be the source. I have no idea what is causing this and the mod author is also unaware. Here's some visuals to get an ear for what I'm really describing: - (this one is a closeup of the sky). I even freshly reinstalled the game and my various mods in hopes of getting rid of it, but my efforts have not been rewarded. During the night, the sky is relatively normal but the ground is floodlit as if it were daylight out. It makes broad daylight look stormy and is quite immersion breaking. The specific issue I'm getting is that when using the in-game "Wait" menu, as the hours tick down, the sky in the backround changes colour to an odd, grayish-blue tone. I talked to the mod author, the author of Nevada Skies, I created a thread on the Nexus Forums and on New Vegas Steam discussion, but I still haven't gotten to the bottom of it. I'm getting a few problems though, and I can't solve them this time around. It is great and I believe it to be truly fantastic. I have been trying out many New Vegas ENB presets (via theNexus) and I've had no issues that I couldn't solve.
I use ENBseries for pretty much anything that has aged graphically over the years (or months!). I just joined and looking forward to a prosperous future on this site.